Northwest Mac Pros April meeting—3p.m.-5p.m.

NWMP Meeting Friday, April 29th

We are thrilled to announce 2 great presenters for April:

Our very own Shelley Watson of Wheelwrights, LLC. will present on

The Resilience Mindset: Increase the odds of your business (and personal) survival by developing a Resilience Mindset. The IT skills and attitudes you already possess are an important leg up in this process.

  • Learn how your IT mindset feeds resilience.
  • Develop new aspects of your existing IT and business skills, in order to increase business (and personal) resilience.
  • Use emergency planning and response tools, including the Planning P, to understand the 5 elements of the ongoing activity cycle.
  • Discover how being a successful emergency manager is analogous to being a successful network administrator.


I am also very excited to announce that Troy Anderson, founder of Kirkland-based RepairShopr, will demo his company’s SaaS solution for IT Consultants, MSPs, and computer repair shops. RepairShopr is geared to service businesses, incorporating seamless integration between tickets, CRM, and invoicing as well as POS, integrated marketing, and much, much more. AND, they recently announced integration with Watchman Monitoring!

If you’re looking to improve your back office workflow, and automation, and incorporate a more MSP focused solution for your clients then you should make sure you do not miss Troy’s demo.

Remote Login

NWMP will also try and provide remote login for those members who can not be there in person. Send an email to with “remote login” in the subject line if you are interested in participating remotely.


Shelley Watson and Chris Dawe of Wheelwrights have graciously offered to host April’s meeting. As a courtesy to Wheelwrights, please RSVP so that they can adequately plan.

This will be a very special NW Mac Pros, as Wheelwrights bids farewell to their KR Trigger Building location. Wheelwrights has been happy to be the primary meeting place for NWMP for many years, and we thank them for their continued support of NWMP! Join us for the regular meeting, and for refreshments, and the famous Wheelwrights liquor cabinet!


We hope to see you all there!

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